When setting up a user in Digital Commerce, you must assign them a User Role. Below is list of the roles available with a definition of what each does.

  • Auditor (Seller Specific) – Access audit tables to view updates made by users within the application
  • User – Access to Digital Commerce application (role is not required)
  • Nymex – View real-time Nymex numbers on various pages and place orders on behalf of buyers through order capture
  • Purchase (Buyer Specific) – Purchase seller offers from All Prices page
  • Pricing Management (Seller Specific) – Update price settings on Offer Pricing page – Index Settings, Contract Expiration Rules, Differentials, Customer Pricing and the price of an existing order
  • Supply Management (Seller Specific) – Update volumes on Volume Settings page and the quantity of an existing order
  • Customer Management (Seller Specific) – Update customer settings on Customer Management page > Offer Restrictions and SoldTo Settings


Category: FAQs