Digital Commerce for Sellers (Part 2)

Setup Partners To manage partnerships, click the Partnerships icon and select Setup Partners. A list of current buyers will be displayed. To Add a new partner/buyer click Add Company. You may also add companies by uploading a CSV file. See Upload Companies for more information. Enter the company details. the following fields are mandatory: Company

Digital Commerce for Sellers (Part 1)

Click the Offer Settings icon. Select Offers Overview. The Terminal Offers page displays a summary view of currently active offers. The Disable all my offers toggle button enables you to turn on/off all offers across the board. Click Lifting Periods. This page enables you to set a standard lifting period across all offers and to

Introduction to Energy Digital Commerce for the Buyer

In this video you will learn how to place an order, check order status, adjust settings and manage users in Energy Digital Commerce. How to Log In Click the log-in link in the welcome email or go to Enter your email into the log in window. First time users will be prompted to create

Volume Settings

Volume Settings Differentials  You can manage your volumes by either entering them on screen or uploading a spreadsheet. Enter Volumes on Screen Under the Offer Settings menu, select Volume Settings. The Volume Settings tab appears. You can specify a terminal by using the Select Terminal(s) drop-down list. Otherwise all terminals will be listed. Enter volumes

How do I access DTN Digital Commerce?

Follow the instructions below when logging into the platform for the first time   Click the link on the welcome email (this will be sent from DTN). Setup a new password following the instructions on screen. Use your email address as your username to access the application.