Granting a fuel buyer access to the DTN Digital Commerce platform

After logging into or navigating to the Partnership application, the supplier/seller will be presented with a list of companies that been previously setup within Digital Commerce as buyers. Searching for a company The user can search through the list of companies by name, address, city, state, zip, or FEIN to find the desired company. List

How do I authorize one of my buyers so they can see my prices?

As part of implementation, DTN will setup your existing customers with a DTN account and provide them with login credentials to the Digital Commerce platform.  Once your customer has a DTN account they will be displayed on the Manage Customers page. You can then authorize the buyer to trade at different locations and products by

Volume Settings

Volume Settings Differentials  You can manage your volumes by either entering them on screen or uploading a spreadsheet. Enter Volumes on Screen Under the Offer Settings menu, select Volume Settings. The Volume Settings tab appears. You can specify a terminal by using the Select Terminal(s) drop-down list. Otherwise all terminals will be listed. Enter volumes

Offer Settings

To setup an offer go through the steps on the offer settings page  Differentials  You can manage your differential prices by either entering them on screen or uploading a spreadsheet. Enter Differentials on Screen Click the Differentials tab. Click Enter Differentials on Screen. You can specify a terminal by using the Select Terminal(s) drop-down list.