Volume Settings


You can manage your volumes by either entering them on screen or uploading a spreadsheet.

Enter Volumes on Screen

  1. Under the Offer Settings menu, select Volume Settings.

The Volume Settings tab appears.

  1. You can specify a terminal by using the Select Terminal(s) drop-down list. Otherwise all terminals will be listed.

  1. Enter volumes for each product and terminal from the proceeding screen. Entries are automatically saved.

Upload Volume Settings from Spreadsheet

Volume settings can be uploaded from a spreadsheet to DTN Digital Commerce.

  1. Under the Offer Settings menu, select Volume Settings.

The Volume Settings tab appears.

  1. Click Upload Volume File.
  2. If you need a spreadsheet template, click Download File. A file will download with terminal and product information entered.

  1. Enter volume settings information in the spreadsheet.
  2. Click Next Step.
  3. Click Choose a file or drag and drop the file from your operating system’s file manager to update your data. The name of the file appears on the screen once it has uploaded.

  1. Click Next Step to review changes.
  2. Once you have reviewed, click Finish.
Category: Getting Started, Product Setup